With CARE in Zambia November 2011

With CARE in Zambia November 2011

Report 2011

Also this past year has been a busy one. Less traveling abroad than last year - more writing work in the "home office" at the keyboard. Still though continuing the many contacts with friends and colleagues. All in all it's a privilege to work with dedicated people in so many areas, both geographical and in substance. 
In the Spring I worked with a new book on leadership in the (Danish) public sector written as a travel guide for those working in managerial positions - or looking forward to do so. The book has been overwhelmingly well received and I just got a note from the publisher preparing the second print.
At the Copenhagen Business School, Center for Business Development and Management, we are now well under way with the first publications of the large ‘SLIP project' (Strategic Leadership in the Public Sector) (see here), funded through a research grant from the Treasury and additional contributions from a number of external partners.
Within the media field I have written a paper dealing with the development of management in the European Public Service Media corporations which I presented at the Danish Management Academy's conference in December (downloadable here). It is a draft of a contribution to an international anthology on media management, to be published next year.
The work in the Council of Europe "Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Public Service Media Governance", which we began a couple of years ago, is now finished with a "Draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers" (see here). My contract as one of the editorial commissioners with the Open Society/Sorros Foundations on the project "Mapping Digital Media" (see here) has been prolonged. We have now published the first handful of the 60 country reports and a number of thematic reports all describing effects of media digitalization on "journalism, democracy and values". It's a huge and very ambitious project carried out by over hundred researchers from all over the world and a group of bright and enthusiastic people in the London office.
Besides these "desk top projects" of a more or less analytical kind I have continued the work on the boards of Roskilde University, the Danish Film Institute and CARE International. Such opportunities to leave the office and the PC and to be challenged with (real life) managerial issues are really a privilege and probably also mentally very healthy. Especially my relation with CARE's work amongst the poorest people in the world reminds my continuously of how misplaced our complaints are over all kind of trivialities here in Denmark.
Concerning family life my gardening brings me a lot of pleasure but little challenge. So our mountain trekking project up through Norway proceeded this summer towards the North Cape. If my legs will allow it we will next year reach the old pilgrimage cathedral of Trondheim. If not I will rest with the flock of grandchildren this year reaching the number of seven.